Purchase a Planner for your Student TODAY!
Planners are on sale now for $15! Order can be placed on the 21-22 Planner and picked up in the school office.
Planners are on sale now for $15! Order can be placed on the 21-22 Planner and picked up in the school office.
Stay up to date with what's happening at our school. View the latest communications on the Platt Weekly Howler News Website.
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! I am excited to have you and your family in our Platt community! I hope you have been enjoying the summer as much as could be possible during this time....
August 8, 2020
Dear Platt and CHOICE Families,
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! I am excited to have you and your family in our Platt community! I hope you have been enjoying the summer as much as could be possible during this time. I know we are all under a great deal of stress, a lot of it in anticipation with how schools will open in a few weeks. Information has been changing at such a fast pace that I haven’t sent an update until now, to avoid providing misinformation.
Yesterday, the BVSD Superintendent, Dr. Anderson, presented to the Board the plan to open schools on August 26 in Phase 1: Home Learning only. I understand that home learning was difficult for many of our families last year, but we will make several improvements and have more time to prepare to create a better home learning experience for all.
Now that we have this plan to move forward, you can expect to hear from me regularly about what this will look like for our Platt and CHOICE students. I will be working with our teachers on expectations and schedules. We ask for your patience as we finalize our plans and get our systems and structures in place.
Although this year will feel different and look different than years past, we are committed to grounding our work in our Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles. We believe this foundation reflects who we are as a community, what we believe about teaching and learning and what we want our students to embody as they enter high school.
Empower students to contribute positively to the world by providing diverse learning experiences, personal discovery and strong relationships.
Students believe in themselves, think critically and problem solve. With a sense of social justice, inclusion and advocacy, students value hard work, kindness and finding balance and joy in their lives.
Guiding Principles
We believe in...
Respect: When people feel safe, they thrive, so we will…
Relationships: When people feel safe, they thrive, so we will…
Relevance: When people discover their purpose, they thrive, so we will…
provide authentic, data driven, inquiry based learning that supports tenacity, academic growth and social emotional development.
While I am disappointed that I won’t be able to see your kids' faces in-person on the first day of school, I am committed to making this experience as best as possible for them and for you. I am grateful for the opportunity to work in such an amazing community. We will navigate through this together.
I hope that you enjoy the last three weeks of this summer and that you all stay safe and healthy. I will send updates as soon as our plan is in place, please continue to check your email.
Please reach out to me with any questions and I will provide more information for you as soon as I can.
Brooke Daerr
Platt Middle School
6096 Baseline Road | Boulder, CO 80303
brooke.daerr@bvsd.org | npm.bvsd.org
We know that many of our students and families are eagerly awaiting word regarding who will be their teachers this fall. We appreciate this excitement and are working to provide student schedules by Friday, August 21.
August 10, 2020
Dear Platt and CHOICE Families,
We know that many of our students and families are eagerly awaiting word regarding who will be their teachers this fall. We appreciate this excitement and are working to provide student schedules by Friday, August 21.
While we are starting the school year on Wednesday, August 26 in Phase 1 – Home Learning, it was still important for us to sort students into cohorts (student groups) so that we are ready whenever we are able to transition to higher phases, hopefully beginning with Phase 2+ - Limited In-Person Learning some time this fall. Under our Back Together BVSD reintroduction plan and the latest guidance from the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment, cohorts are required to ensure that we are able to quickly contact trace and quarantine students following a possible exposure to someone who has a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19.
Students will be assigned to Group A or Group B. Siblings and students who live in the same household will be in the same cohort, plus there was accounting based on whether students were planning to attend in-person learning or had opted for remote learning through their home school. These cohorts will not impact students’ schedules while in Phase 1 of our Reintroduction Plan, lasting through at least September 22.
Now we, at the school level, are working to make class assignments using this information. Again, we will have this to everyone by August 21, 2020.
Additionally, we are continuing to work on our daily schedule. I know you are eager to know what your students' day will look like in terms of time spent in each class and with teachers. This information will also be provided by August 21, 2020.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions. Again, we thank you for your patience and understanding.
Brooke Daerr
Platt Middle School
6096 Baseline Road | Boulder, CO 80303
brooke.daerr@bvsd.org | npm.bvsd.org
The Boulder Valley School District remains steadfast in its dedication to educating each and every student and ensuring they and their family feel safe and welcomed, regardless of their race, gender identity, legal status or any other factor.
This month, BVSD continued efforts to monitor, evaluate, and respond to declining enrollment in the district. At a recent Board meeting, staff presented the Annual Trend Report which looks at enrollment at individual schools and whether action needs to be taken. Although enrollment continued to decline for the 2024-25 school year, losses were less than anticipated, and no new action was triggered for individual schools. The Board also got a preview of a new data visualization tool intended to make enrollment data more understandable and transparent. The data dashboard will be particularly valuable as the Board moves forward with reviewing elementary school attendance boundaries and considers whether to make changes.
As you may have heard, this year’s flu season is worse than normal due to the large amount of flu, especially flu type A, circulating in our schools and community. Along with flu, our local health agencies are also reporting other illness increases in schools and childcare settings. While catching an illness in a school or work setting is sometimes unavoidable, there are a few simple things you can do to do your best to keep yourself and others healthy.
As a book lover, she, like many other teachers, had subscribed to a way of teaching where students were to learn how to read by being exposed to text. Confronted with an evidence-based alternative that actually worked – she chose to embrace it.
Every Wednesday morning, a group of students and parents hop on their bicycles and pedal toward Columbine Elementary School, creating a vibrant and inspiring sight. The “Columbine Bici Bus Crew” is redefining how students get to school, fostering a sense of community, sustainability, and accessibility along the way.
As part of the All Together for All Students Strategic Plan, every BVSD school is implementing Data-Driven Instruction. Learn why DDI is helping to boost the academic performance of students and why BVSD’s efforts are garnering some national attention.
The Boulder Valley School District’s (BVSD) Information Technology (IT) department partnered with teachers and administration at Platt Middle School to create the first digital music lab in the district, featuring equipment commonly used by music industry professionals.
Aadi Sobti is a junior at Peak to Peak High School who unfortunately is familiar with the loss tied to the recent headlines of wildfires in California, as his family lost their home in the Marshall fire when he was in 8th grade, attending Monarch PK-8. A new found empathy and concern for his community and the world around him is one of the many important perspectives Sobti gained, ultimately inspiring a project that would earn him recognition by Congress.
New Vista High School's new building is more than just a structure—it’s a testament to the opportunities that arise from a shared investment in education. Thanks to the support of local voters, a new state-of-the-art facility for the students of New Vista became a reality.
The Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) Board of Education recently adopted revised graduation requirements that will go into effect starting with freshman (9th grade) students in the 2025-26 school year, the class of 2029, and each subsequent year. The new revisions increase the requirements in math and science.