Learning Skills and Participation (10%):
Habits of a Scholar (10%):
Habits of a Scholar are behaviors that contribute to both academic growth and social-emotional development. Platt and CHOICE Habits of a Scholar Rubric outlines skills in the following areas:
- Executive Skills/Self Management
- Perseverance/Self-Awareness
- Attitude/Self-Motivation
- Compassion/Social Awareness
- Teamwork/Relationship Skills
Students will receive a grade based on the Habits of a Scholar Rubric at least once a quarter. The purpose is to provide families and students feedback on learning habits/skills students will need to be a successful scholar.
Homework and Practice (10%):
Students may be asked to practice academic skills at home for the purpose of:
- Reinforcing the concepts learned in class by providing an opportunity to apply what they’ve learned independently.
- Preparing students for larger assessments by practicing skills in a certain format.
- Providing teachers feedback on how students are progressing toward standards.
Grades will be recorded based on the level of homework completed, rather than for accuracy, with a 3 being the highest score possible. This creates equity as students receive varying levels of support at home and should not be penalized or rewarded for the level of support available outside of school.
Note: Not all courses will have homework. If no scores are reported in this section at the end of the grading period, the 10% will be distributed to the other two elements of grading.
Homework and Practice Rubric
Performance Band
No Evidence
Does Not Meet Standards
Approaching Standards
Meets Standards
Exceeds Standards
Student has none of the assignment completed on time.
Student completes some of the assignment or it is not completed on time.
Student completes most of the assignments on time.
Student completes majority of the assignment on time.
Due to the nature of homework, students will not receive a 4. Homework is completed or it is not completed.
Progress Towards Standards (80%):
Progress Towards Standards will be measured in a variety of ways through the grading period. Progress will be reported by standard so that students and families know what specific skills may need reteaching, additional support, or extension. Rather than students receiving a grade for an overall assessment, they will receive a grade based on the standards within the assessment. Assessments that integrate more than one academic standard will be entered into the grade book under each standard addressed with a score specific for that standard.
Important Notes:
- Infinite Campus provides a snapshot of how your student is doing within the class at a specific moment in time. We believe in authentic feedback and that is found within your students' work; therefore, it is important to review actual assessments for rubrics and comments.
- End of unit summative assessments may count more toward end of semester grades than smaller assessments given throughout the unit.
- End of semester grades may rely on observed growth rather than an average over the course of the semester as the goal is reaching academic standards.
- Academic Standards are the expectations of what students need to know and be able to do at the end of the year. Students are not expected to master these standards in the first semester and we expect to see growth over the course of the year. Therefore, students may have more 2’s in the fall semester because they are still learning and growing. Teachers will connect with families if there are concerns about a student’s trajectory.
Students will be provided with rubrics for each assessment in each of their classes. Here is the general template for Progress Towards Standards Rubrics.
Progress Towards Standards Rubric
Performance Band
No Evidence
Does Not Meet Standards
Approaching Standards
Meets Standards
Exceeds Standards
Student has not produced evidence to evaluate their understanding of
academic standards or course objectives.
Student does not show enough evidence of meeting the academic standards or course objectives.
Student has shown proficiency on most objectives, although not all. Student may require scaffolding or support to achieve academic standards or course objectives.
Student knows and is able to do all that is required for academic standards and course objectives.
Student consistently and independently shows evidence of above grade level rigor for that academic standard. They demonstrate in-depth inferences and applications independently that go beyond what is taught in class. Will not apply to all assignments.
Below 1.59
1.60 - 2.69
2.70 - 3.49
3.5 - 4