Transition to Middle School
Transition - For Students
Transition to Middle School - For Students
Student Survival Tips
Middle school is a great opportunity to meet new people and begin to explore who you are and what you want to do with the rest of your life. It can also be a difficult time, as there are a lot of things that are changing in your life. You are meeting new people. There are more choices and decisions to make. Instead of being in one classroom with one teacher all day, you now have multiple teachers. You no longer stay in one classroom; instead, you have to switch classes for different subjects. You will be faced with more responsibilities. Here are a few tips to help you with the middle school transition. Don't be afraid to ask your teachers, counselors or staff at your school if you need help.
1. Get organized
- Use your planner
- Color-code your folders and notebooks OR use an accordion file
- Keep your locker and back pack cleaned out.
2. Do your homework
- You will have more homework. Schedule your time wisely. Allot a certain amount of time every night for homework and study. Don't wait until an assignment is due - start early. Keep track of your homework assignments and their due dates.
3. Talk to your teachers
- Ask questions. If you are unsure of an assignment, what you need to be doing, or of anything, just ask. Your teachers are there to help you.
4. Get involved in extra-curricular activities
- Find things that you enjoy - sports, clubs, activities, and get involved. This is a great way to meet new people and to have fun.
5. Retake summative assessments whenever possible and check Infinite Campus
6. Stay healthy
- Get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast before school.
7. Talk to your parents and keep them informed of what is going on in your middle school life
8. Find an adult you trust to talk to when you have problems
9. Choose your friends wisely
- Don't choose friends who make bad decisions.
10. Come to school and have fun
- You can't learn if you are not at school.
Transition - For Parents
Transition to Middle School - For Parents
Parent Survival Tips
For children going into middle school, there are many anxieties, apprehensions and fears to deal with and overcome. Middle schools are larger than elementary schools, the school work is harder, there are more classes and more teachers – all with different expectations and personalities. If you have a child who is entering middle school for the first time, know that it is normal for your child to express concern.
1. Don't be too anxious about your child going to middle school
- Talk about the middle school experience in a positive way! Your enthusiasm and support can help make this BIG change in your child's school life a positive one.
2. Help your child develop an organizational strategy
- Designate a study space and set a consistent study time
- Provide your child the necessary folders and binders to stay organized( let us know if you need help)
- Conduct a weekly clean-up
- Keep a master calendar
- Prepare for the week/day ahead
- Provide help and support while your child is learning to become more organized
3. Utilize Platt Middle School's resources
- Explore Platt's teacher and grade level websites with your child
- Homework is updated on the grade level website calendar for 6th grade and there is also a Google calendar for 6th grade
- You can access Infinite Campus to check grades and progress. Get your IC password from our Registrar in the counseling office.
- There are MANY other links to important information and updates on the Platt Website
4. Read over the summer
5. Talk about social skills
- Talk about traits that make a good friend. Discuss how words and actions can affect other people. Practice skills needed for difficult social situations.
6. Openly communicate with your child
- Keep the lines of communication open between your child and school staff. Be informed, listen, and talk to your child.
7. Get involved as a parent
- Attend parent-teacher nights, open houses, PTO meetings and/or other events where you can connect with your child's teachers and the school.
8. Encourage your child to get involved in school activities!
- Have them join a team, club, or other extra-curricular activity and attend after-school events.
9. Help your child to be his or her own advocate
- Encourage your child to discuss problems and solutions with teachers on their own, but be ready to help as needed.
10. Attend these Events
- 6th grade 1st day of school coffee
- Mandatory Check-In Day
- Family Fun Pizza Night and Club sign-up event
- 6th grade transition night
- Back to school night
- Parent teacher conferences
Email teachers and the 6th grade Counselor with any questions.